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The nature of the learners
Children enter the early years of schooling with established communication skills in one or more languages and varying degrees of early literacy capability. For young students, learning typically focuses on their immediate world of family, home, school, friends and neighbourhood. They are learning how to socialise with new people, share with others, and participate in structured routines and activities at school. Typically they have little to no experience of French language and culture.
French language learning and use
French is learnt in parallel with English language and literacy. Learning in the two areas progresses at very different levels but each supports and enriches the other. French is used in classroom interactions, routines and activities, supported by the use of visual and concrete materials, gestures and body language. At this stage, there is a focus on play and imaginative activities, games, music, movement and familiar routines, which provide scaffolding and context for language development. Oral language is developed through listening to the sounds, shapes and patterns of French through activities such as rhymes, songs, clapping and action games, and through imitating and repeating sounds modelled by the teacher and aural texts. Learners experiment with simple formulaic expressions and one- or two-word responses to prompts and cues. As they progress to using French for interactions such as greetings or asking and answering questions, they notice that language behaves differently in different situations and that French speakers communicate in some ways that are different to their own. Creative play provides opportunities for exploring these differences and for using French for purposeful interaction, for example, asking for help, sharing ideas, challenging each other or expressing surprise.
Contexts of interaction
Learners interact with each other and the teacher, with some access to wider school and community members. Information and communications technologies (ICT) resources provide additional access to French language and culture experience, connecting learners’ social worlds with those of French-speaking children in different contexts. Students may also encounter ideas about France and the French language outside the classroom, through travel, the media or popular culture.
Texts and resources
Learners engage with a variety of spoken, visual and written texts. They listen and respond to teacher talk, share ideas and join in stories, songs, play and simple conversations. Written and digital texts include stories, wall charts and Big Books, and teacher-generated materials such as games, labels, captions and flashcards. Writing skills progress from tracing and copying high-frequency words to writing modelled words and sentences independently (for example, greeting cards, captions or labels) and co-creating shared resources such as word walls or storybooks.
Features of French language use
Students become familiar with the sound systems of the French language, including pronunciation, rhythm, pitch and stress. They learn to pronounce individual letters and letter combinations, including unfamiliar sounds such as -eau, -u, è, é, ou, r and g. They recognise and use the intonation patterns that distinguish between statements, questions and exclamations. They use simple basic sentence structure and learn to write single words and simple phrases, noticing the use of accents and how these change the sound of letters. They become familiar with the idea of grammatical gender and know how to use singular and plural forms. They notice similarities and differences between French and English and begin to develop curiosity around the idea of difference and culture.
Level of support
Rich language input characterises the first stages of learning. Learners are supported via the provision of experiences that are challenging but achievable, with high levels of scaffolding and support. This includes modelling, monitoring and moderating by the teacher, providing multiple and varied sources of input and stimulus, regular opportunities for revisiting, recycling and reviewing, and continuous cueing, feedback, response and encouragement.
The role of English
Learners are encouraged to use French whenever possible, with the teacher providing rich and supported language input. English is used as a medium of instruction and for explanation and discussion. This allows learners to talk about differences and similarities they notice between French and their first language(s) and culture(s), to ask questions about language and culture, and to consider how they feel when they hear or use French and about how they view different languages and the people who speak them. This introduction to the ‘meta’ dimension of intercultural learning develops the ability to consider different perspectives and ways of being.
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Interact with each other and the teacher using simpleand gestures for exchanges such as greetings and farewells, thanks and introductions, and for talking about self and family
[Key concepts: self, family, home, friendship; Key processes: interacting, greeting, thanking, describing]
Participate in guided group activities using simple repetitivein songs, rhymes, games and transactions
[Key concepts: play, performance, action learning, exchange; Key processes: participating, performing, taking turns, requesting]
Recognise and respond to classroom interactions such as opening and closing of lessons, transition activities, and giving and following instructions
[Key concepts: roles, routines, rules, interactions; Key processes: listening, observing, cooperating, responding]
Identify key points of information in simple texts
[Key concepts: text, meaning, context; Key processes: decoding, guessing, making meaning]
Convey factual information about self, family, friends and possessions, using simple statements, gestures and support materials
[Key concepts: self, family, school; Key processes: naming, labelling, showing, describing]
Engage with a range of imaginative texts through action, dance, drawing and other forms of expression
[Key concepts: imagination, response, character, expression; Key processes: responding, acting, dancing, expressing]
Participate in sharedand presentation of stories, songs or nursery rhymes, playing with sound patterns, rhyming words and non-verbal forms of expression
[Key concepts: rhythm, expression, pronunciation; Key processes: chanting, miming, drawing, dancing]
Translate simple French words, phrases and gestures for family and friends, noticing how they may have similar or different meanings in English or other known languages
[Key concepts: language, vocabulary, meaning; Key processes: demonstrating, explaining, comparing]
simple print orthat use both French and English, such as labels, word banks, wall charts or ID cards
[Key concepts: vocabulary, translation, meaning; Key processes: naming, comparing, copying]
Notice how using French feels and sounds different to using own language(s) and involves behaviours as well as words
[Key concepts: language, culture, difference; Key processes: noticing, considering, comparing]
Describe themselves, the people they are close to and the ways they communicate, using simple statements and gestures
[Key concepts: identity, self, communication; Key processes: describing, explaining, presenting]
Recognise and reproduce the sounds and rhythms of spoken French, noticing how they are produced and how they are represented in words and symbols
[Key concepts: pitch, stress, intonation, letters, pronunciation; Key processes: listening, distinguishing, reading, recognising]
Understand some first elements of French grammar, such as simpleand gender forms, definite articles, pronouns and prepositions
[Key concepts: words, sentences, grammar, patterns, rules; Key processes: recognising, naming, selecting]
Understand thatis organised as ‘texts’, which take different forms and use different structures and features to achieve their purposes
[Key concepts: genre, text, meaning; Key processes: noticing, applying]
Understand that French speakers usedifferently in different situations, such as in playground games, at home with the family or in the classroom
[Key concepts:as social practice,conventions; Key processes: noticing, comparing]
Understand that all languages continuously change through contact with each other and through changes in society
[Key concepts: language, change, word borrowing; Key processes: noticing, comparing, listing]
Recognise that Australia is a multilingual society with speakers of many different languages, including French
[Key concepts: multilingualism, culture, community; Key processes: discussing, observing, mapping]
Understand that people usein ways that reflect their culture, such as where and how they live and what is important to them
[Key concepts: language, culture, meaning; Key processes: noticing, asking questions, reflecting, explaining]
Show subject-specific achievement standard
By the end of Year 2, students interact with teachers and each other through action-related talk and play. They exchange greetings such as Bonjour! Comment ça va? Très bien, merci and respond to question cues with single words or set phrases such as Qu’est-ce que c’est? Un éléphant. Tu veux un croissant? Non, merci. They choose between options when responding to questions such as Tu veux le rouge ou le bleu? They make meaning using visual, non-verbal and contextual cues such as intonation, gestures and facial expressions. They mimic French pronunciation, approximating vowel sounds and consonant combinations with some accuracy. They identify key words in spoken texts, such as names of people, places or objects. They use modelled examples and formulaic language to convey factual information at word and simple sentence level, such as making statements about themselves, their class and home environment, the weather or date. They write simple texts such as lists, labels, captions and descriptions. Students use some pronouns, prepositions and simple present tense forms of regular verbs.
Students identify ways in which spoken French sounds different to English and know that it uses the same alphabet when written. They identify words that are written the same in both languages but pronounced differently. They know that French is the language used in France and also in many other regions of the world. They know that language is used differently in different situations and between different people. They identify differences and similarities between their own and other’s languages and cultures.
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The nature of the learners
At this level, children are developing awareness of their social worlds and of their memberships of various groups including of the French class. They are developing literacy capabilities in English, such as writing in the Roman alphabet, and this assists to some degree in learning French. They benefit from varied, activity-based learning that builds on their interests and capabilities and makes connections with other areas of learning.
French language learning and use
A balance between language knowledge and language use is established. Activities that focus on grammar, vocabulary and pronunciation are integrated with purposeful, varied communicative activities. The development of oral proficiency at this stage continues to rely on rich language input. Learners engage in a lot of listening, developing active-listening and comprehension skills, using contextual, grammatical, phonic and non-verbal cues. The language they hear is authentic with modification, involving familiar vocabulary and simple structures. The balance between listening and speaking gradually shifts as learners are supported to use the language themselves in familiar contexts and situations. They exchange simple ideas and information, negotiate predictable activities and interactions, and participate in shared tasks, performance and play. They continue to build vocabulary that can be adapted for different purposes. They control simple grammatical forms with some accuracy to communicate in familiar contexts.
Contexts of interaction
The context in which students interact is primarily the language classroom and the school environment, with some sharing of their learning at home. They also have some access to wider communities of French speakers and resources through virtual and digital technology. The familiarity and routine dimension of the classroom context provide scaffolding and opportunities for language practice and experimentation.
Texts and resources
Learners develop literacy skills through interacting with a range of spoken, written, visual and multimodal texts. Imaginative and interactive texts such as picture books, stories, puppet play, songs and computer games introduce them to the expressive and cultural dimensions of French. Procedural, informative and descriptive texts, such as timetables, tuckshop orders or class profiles, show how language is used to organise, to describe and to ‘get things done’. Learners may have access to resources developed for children in France, such as television programs, advertisements or web pages, as a way of developing cultural knowledge.
Features of French language use
Learning French contributes to the process of making sense of the children’s worlds that characterises this stage of development. As they encounter French language and culture they understand that French and English have many similarities and also some interesting differences. They notice features of French communication such as the use of gestures, facial expressions, intonation patterns and polite forms of address. They make comparisons with their own ways of communicating. This leads them to think about identity and difference and about what it means to speak more than one language.
Level of support
This stage of learning involves extensive support. This is primarily provided by the teacher, who provides instruction, explanations, examples, repetition, reinforcement and feedback. Tasks and activities are carefully scaffolded and resourced. Time is allowed for experimentation, drafting and redrafting. Learners are supported to self-monitor and reflect on their learning.
The role of English
Learners are supported to use French as much as possible for classroom routines, social interactions, structured learning tasks, and language experimentation and practice. English is used for discussion, explanation and reflection, enabling learners to develop a language for sharing ideas about language and culture systems. It enables them to ask questions to support their learning and to reflect on the experience of moving between languages and cultures. Using both French and English in the classroom develops a sense of what it means to be bilingual.
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Participate in routine exchanges such as asking each other how they are, offering wishes and sharing information about aspects of their personal worlds
[Key concepts: communication, politeness, friendship; Key processes: interacting, listening, questioning, responding]
Make statements, ask questions and collaborate in shared tasks such as science experiments, cooking or craft activities, building collections or swapping items
[Key concepts: collaboration, creativity, discovery; Key processes: contributing, collecting, exchanging]
Follow the teacher’s instructions and use simple questions, statements and gestures to support own learning, such as asking for help or permission or attracting attention
[Key concepts: learning strategies, support; Key processes: requesting, clarifying, responding]
Locate specific points of information in different types of texts relating to social and natural worlds
[Key concepts: community, family, friends, environment; Key processes: focused reading, information selection and organisation]
Present factual information about self, others, and home and school life, using graphic support such as photos, maps or charts
[Key concepts: home, school, information; Key processes: selecting, presenting, comparing]
Participate in interactive stories and performances, acting out responses, identifying favourite elements, and making simple statements aboutor themes
[Key concepts: response, action, expression; Key processes: participating, imagining, interpreting]
short imaginative texts that allow for exploration and enjoyment of language
[Key concepts: fantasy, imagination; Key processes: experimenting, playing, creating, performing]
Translate high-frequency words and expressions in simple texts such as captions, story titles or recurring lines in a story, noticing which ones are difficult to interpret
[Key concepts: translation, meaning, culture; Key processes: noticing, explaining, comparing]
bilingual versions of texts such as picture dictionaries, action games or captions for images
[Key concepts: translation, meaning; Key processes: selecting, code-mixing, explaining]
Notice what looks or feels similar or different to ownandwhen interacting in French
[Key concepts: communication, difference, respect; Key processes: noticing, comparing, reflecting]
Explore their own sense of identity, including elements such as family, friends and interests, and ways of usingwith different people
[Key concepts: identity, friends, groups; Key processes: noticing, describing, identifying]
Experiment with theof vowel sounds, letter combinations andpatterns, and recognise and write high-frequency words and expressions in familiar contexts
[Key concepts: pronunciation, accent, spelling, writing; Key processes: alphabetic recognition, discriminating sounds, recognising words]
Notice and apply elements of French grammar such as word order, gender and singular/plural forms, adverbs, pronouns and prepositions in simple spoken and written texts
[Key concepts: sentence, gender, number; Key processes: recognising, applying, naming]
Notice differences between simple spoken, written and multimodal French texts used in familiar contexts, and compare with similar texts in English.
[Key concepts: mode, medium,features; Key processes: noticing, comparing, describing, explaining]
Understand that different ways of using French reflect different regions and countries, different relationships and different ways of making meaning
[Key concepts: variation, register, tenor; Key processes: observing, explaining]
Understand that languages change over time and influence each other, and that French has influenced many languages, including English
[Key concepts: influence, change, exchange; Key processes: identifying, classifying, interpreting]
Know that French is an important globalused by communities in many countries around the world and that it has connections with several other languages
[Key concepts: global language, culture, identity, communication; Key processes: collecting data, mapping, grouping]
Notice differences between French, Australian and other cultures’ practices and how these are reflected in language
[Key concepts:as process and practice, beliefs, values; Key processes: identifying, describing, discussing]
Show subject-specific achievement standard
By the end of Year 4, students interact with teachers and each other through classroom routines, action-related talk and play. They exchange greetings and wishes, respond to familiar instructions and to questions such as Qu’est-ce que c’est? and Qu’est-ce que tu fais? They share simple ideas and information, express positive and negative feelings (for example, Je suis très contente; Je n’aime pas la pluie ) and ask for help, clarification and permission. They interpret visual, non-verbal and contextual cues such as intonation, gestures and facial expressions to help make meaning. They make statements using the present tense and present + infinitive form about self, family and interests (for example, Je suis australien et italien; J’habite à Brisbane; Je vais partir demain ). They approximate the sounds, rhythms and pitch of spoken French. They comprehend simple, spoken, written, visual and multimodal texts, using cues such as context, graphics, familiar vocabulary and language features. They use modelled sentence structures to compose short original texts such as descriptions, captions or simple narratives, using conjunctions such as et and mais , and prepositions such as sous, sur and devant . They use vocabulary related to familiar contexts and their personal worlds, and apply gender and number agreements in simple constructions (for example, une petite maison, les grands chiens).
Students know that French is a significant language spoken in many parts of the world, including Australia; that it is similar to English in some ways (for example, it has the same alphabet and basic sentence structure and many shared words) and different in other ways (such as in the use of titles, gestures, some new sounds such as r and u and gender forms). They know that languages change over time and influence each other. They identify French words used in English (such as menu, mousse ) and English words used in French (such as le weekend, stop! ). They demonstrate understanding of the fact that language may need to be adjusted to suit different situations and relationships (for example, formal and informal language, different text types). They explain how French has its own rules for pronunciation, non-verbal communication and grammar. They use terms such as verb, adjective and gender for talking about language and learning. Students identify ways in which languages are connected with cultures, and how the French language, like their own, reflects ways of behaving and thinking as well as ways of using language.
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The nature of the learners
At this level, students are widening their social networks, experiences and communication repertoires in both their first language and French. They continue to need guidance and participate in structured, collaborative tasks that both recycle and extend language. Students are gaining greater independence and becoming more conscious of their peers and social context. They are gaining greater awareness of the world around them. Learners are noticing additional similarities and differences between French language and culture and their own.
French language learning and use
Learners’ communicative capabilities are stronger, and their pronunciation, intonation and phrasing are more confident and accurate. They control and access wider vocabulary resources and use a range of non-verbal strategies to support communication. Shared tasks develop social, cognitive and language skills and provide a context for purposeful language use. Focused attention to grammar, literacy skills development and exploration of cultural elements of communication are conducted at least in part in French. Learners use ICT to support their learning in increasingly independent and intentional ways, exchanging resources and information with each other and with young people in French-speaking communities, accessing music and media resources, and maintaining blogs and web pages. Oracy development at this level includes active listening to a range of input from different sources. Learners develop conversational and interactional skills such as initiating and sustaining conversation, using turn-taking protocols, and ‘reading’ language for cultural and contextual meaning. Individual and group oral presentation and performance skills are developed through researching and organising information, rehearsing and resourcing presentations, and selecting language appropriate for particular audiences. French is used increasingly for classroom interactions, routines and exchanges, for demonstrating understanding and for communicating simple information.
Contexts of interaction
Learners use French with each other and the teacher for an increasing range of purposes. They have some access to French speakers and cultural resources in wider contexts and communities through the use of ICT. Language development and use are typically incorporated into collaborative and interactive tasks, games and activities, and learners are supported to use French spontaneously when interacting with each other.
Texts and resources
Learners engage with a growing range of oral and written texts. They use cues and decoding strategies to assist comprehension and to make connections between contexts, ideas and language within and between texts. They create their own texts for a range of purposes and audiences, such as emails, dialogues, notes and letters, presentations and performances. With support they build cohesion into their spoken and written texts in terms of both content and expression. They write more accurately and fluently, extending their writing from simple phrases to more elaborated sentences and different types of text. They use modelled language and co-produce shared texts such as class stories, journals or captions for storyboards. They have some access to texts created for young French speakers, such as stories, cartoons, magazines, websites, music clips and television programs.
Features of French language use
Learners increase their range of French vocabulary, pronunciation, grammar and textual knowledge. They are aware of the role of liaisons and accents and are familiar with frequent vowel–consonant combinations (-ille, -ette, -tion). They use present tense forms of regular -er, -ir and -re verbs, a small number of irregular verbs (être, avoir, aller, faire), and some reflexive verbs (se lever, s’habiller). They use plural forms of nouns and adjectives and some possessive adjectives. They move between statement and question forms and use simple negative constructions. They develop a metalanguage to describe patterns, rules and variations in language structures. Learners are building awareness of the relationship between language and culture, and exploring ideas relating to identity and communication. They question stereotypes, explore how attitudes are shaped by cultural perspectives, and consider their own cultural and communicative behaviours.
Level of support
While learners work more independently at this level, ongoing support, including modelling and scaffolding, is incorporated into task activity and focused language learning. Support includes provision of models, stimulus materials, and resources such as word charts, vocabulary lists, dictionaries and electronic reference resources.
The role of English
While the use of French in the classroom increases at this level, the use of English for discussion, reflection and explanation ensures the continued development of learners’ knowledge base and intercultural capability. The language of response around learning tasks depends on the nature of task demands. French is used for communicating in structured and supported tasks, and English for open-ended tasks that involve discussion and reflection and develop understanding of language and culture.
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Interact using descriptive and expressiveto share ideas, relate experiences and express feelings such as concern or sympathy
[Key concepts: communication, exchange, interests; Key processes: expressing, comparing, socialising]
Participate in guided tasks such as organising displays, developing projects or budgeting for events
[Key concepts: task, collaboration, budget; Key processes: planning, organising, budgeting]
Use questions, statements and responses to participate in learning activities, to indicate understanding and to monitor learning
[Key concepts: mindful learning, process, outcome; Key processes: discussing, planning, monitoring, reflecting]
Gather and compare information from a range of sources relating to social and cultural worlds
[Key concepts; environment, communication, social behaviours; Key processes: researching, reading, listening, collating, evaluating]
Convey information and ideas in different formats to suit specific audiences and contexts
[Key concepts: content, audience, purpose; Key processes: organising, comparing, selecting]
Share responses to characters, events and ideas in texts such as stories, cartoons or films, making connections with own experience and feelings
[Key concepts: character, plot, imagination, feelings; Key processes: interpreting, expressing, comparing]
Present, reinterpret oralternative versions of songs or stories, adapting events orto different modes or contexts
[Key concepts: adaptation, genre, plot, character; Key processes: imagining, creating, interpreting]
Translate simple texts from French to English and vice versa, noticing which words or phrases require interpretation or explanation
[Key concepts: meaning, translation, word borrowing; Key processes: comparing, interpreting, translating]
own bilingual texts and learning resources such as displays, websites, newsletters or word banks
[Key concepts: bilingualism, word borrowing, meaning; Key processes: identifying, classifying, selecting, explaining]
Compare ways of communicating in Australian and French-speaking contexts, and identify ways thatinfluencesuse
[Key concepts: difference, language, culture; Key processes: noticing, reflecting, describing]
Reflect on aspects of ownanduse, for example, by creating personal or group profiles or portfolios
[Key concepts: identity, community, bilingualism; Key processes: identifying, presenting, explaining]
Recognise and apply features of intonation,and writing conventions used in different types of texts and contexts
[Key concepts: listening discrimination, accuracy, fluency; Key processes: listening, reading, recognising]
Develop knowledge of grammatical elements such as tenses, and combine them with an increasing range of nouns, adjectives and adverbs to construct simple statements, questions and exclamations
[Key concepts: grammatical rules, patterns, exceptions; Key processes: classifying, discriminating, vocabulary building]
Understand how different French texts usein ways thatdifferent effects and suit different audiences
[Key concepts: genre, structure, audience, sequencing; Key processes: comparing, noticing, explaining]
Understand thatis used differently in different contexts and situations
[Key concepts: language, identity, culture, context; Key processes: observing, comparing, analysing, explaining]
Understand that the Frenchis constantly changing due to contact with other languages and to the impact of new technologies and knowledge
[Key concepts:contact, word borrowing, digital media; Key processes: observing, identifying, classifying]
Understand that there are different forms of spoken and written French used in different contexts within France and in other regions of the world
[Key concepts: diversity, creoles, dialects, accents; Key processes: mapping, comparing, distinguishing]
Reflect on how ways of usingare shaped by communities’ ways of thinking and behaving and may be differently interpreted by others
[Key concepts: cultures, norms, perspectives; Key processes: reflecting, observing, comparing]
Show subject-specific achievement standard
By the end of Year 6, students use written and spoken French for classroom interactions and transactions, and to exchange personal ideas, experiences and feelings. They ask and answer questions in complete sentences in familiar contexts (For example, Est-ce que je peux … ? Tu peux..… ?), using appropriate pronunciation, intonation and non-verbal communication strategies. They use appropriate forms of address for different audiences, such as tu forms with friends and family members, and vous for teachers and other adults or when more than one person is involved. They gather and compare information from a range of texts. They identify key points and supporting details when reading and listening, and interpret and translate short community texts such as signs or notices. They create connected texts such as descriptions, conversations and picture books, using structured models and processes of drafting and re-drafting. They convey information in different formats to suit specific audiences and contexts. Students use present tense verb forms, conjunctions and connectives (such as et, mais, parce que, plus tard, maintenant ), positive and negative statements (such as j’ai trois amis, je n’ai plus d’amis ), and adverbs such as très, aussi, beaucoup, un peu and lentement . They recognise and use with support verb forms such as le futur proche ( je vais + l’infinitif ) and le passé composé ( j’ai + regular forms of past participle) as set phrases. They identify l’imparfait when reading (for example, c’était, il était). They use possessive pronouns and adjectives with modelling and support, and prepositions to mark time and place (such as avant, après, devant, derrière).
Students identify differences between spoken and written forms of French, comparing them with English and other known languages. They identify differences in commonly-used text types (for example, greetings, instructions and menus), commenting on differences in language features and text structures. They use metalanguage for language explanation (for example, formal and informal language, body language) and for reflecting on the experience of French language and culture learning. They identify relationships between parts of words (such as suffixes, prefixes) and stems of words (for example, préparer, préparation; le marché, le supermarché, l’hypermarché ). Students make comparisons between French and their own language and culture, drawing from texts which relate to familiar routines and daily life (such as la vie scolaire, la famille, les courses, les loisirs, la cuisine ). They explain to others French terms and expressions that reflect cultural practices (for example, bon appétit, bonne fête). They reflect on their own cultural identity in light of their experience of learning French, explaining how their ideas and ways of communicating are influenced by their membership of cultural groups.
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The nature of the learners
These years represent a transition to secondary school. Students in this pathway are continuing to study French, bringing with them an established capability to interact in different situations, to engage with a variety of texts and to communicate with some assistance about their immediate world and that of France and other French-speaking communities. They have experience in analysing the major features of the language system and in reflecting on the nature of intercultural exchanges in which they are involved.
French language learning and use
French is used for classroom interactions and transactions, for explaining and practising language forms and for developing cultural understanding. Additional opportunities for interaction in the target language are provided by purposeful and integrated use of ICT. Learners work both collaboratively and independently, exploring different modes and genres of communication, with particular reference to their own current interests. They pool language knowledge and resources to plan, problem-solve, monitor and reflect. They use modelled and rehearsed language in familiar and unfamiliar contexts and increasingly generate original and personal language. They make cross-curricular connections and explore intercultural perspectives and experience.
Contexts of interaction
The primary context for learning remains the French language class; however, there may be increasing opportunities for interaction with peers in France and other French-speaking communities through technology, partner-school arrangements or community connections. Learners have access to additional French resources through websites, social media and radio streaming.
Features of French language use
Learners expand their range of vocabulary beyond their immediate world. They make clearer distinctions between sounds and intonation patterns. They develop more detailed grammatical knowledge, using additional tenses (le passé composé, le futur proche), some reflexive verb forms and additional irregular verbs. They become more familiar with features of different types of text (for example, informative, transactional, expressive), using this understanding to guide their own text production. They create and present more varied texts (such as poems, web pages and brochures), plan events and join in competitions and debates. They use French with increasing accuracy and fluency, drafting and editing texts to improve structure and effect. They make connections more confidently between texts and cultural contexts.
Texts and resources
Learners work with a range of texts specifically designed for learning French in schools, such as textbooks, videos, readers and online resources. They also access materials created for French-speaking communities, such as films (with subtitles), websites, advertisements and magazines. Authentic French-community resources provide access to additional cultural expression and experience.
Level of support
This is a period of review and consolidation and of engaging with new and challenging learning experiences. Continued scaffolding, modelling and material support are required to manage this transitional phase. Learners require modelled language use, particularly at the paragraph and whole text level for written language and for developing fluency and accuracy in spoken French. Focused attention on grammatical and textual features supports learners’ development as text producers. Learners are encouraged to become more autonomous, to self-monitor and to reflect on their learning.
The role of English
French is increasingly used at this level for classroom interactions and routines, for task participation and structured discussions. English continues to be used for more complex elements of instruction, and more substantive discussion, analysis and reflection in relation to abstract concepts. Learners continue to develop a metalanguage for thinking and talking about language, culture, identity and the experience of learning and using French.
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Participate in a range of spoken and written interactions, for example, exchanging views or experiences, apologising or excusing, inviting or congratulating
[Key concepts: friendship, respect, communication; Key processes: responding, expressing, connecting]
Engage in tasks and activities that involve negotiation and problem-solving
[Key concepts: value, design, audience, purpose; Key processes: negotiating, considering, reflecting, evaluating]
Interact in classroom activities and discussions through asking and responding to open-ended questions, offering opinions and explaining positions
[Key concepts: exploratory talk, discussion, exchange; Key processes: eliciting, prompting, responding, explaining]
Access, summarise and analyse information from different sources relating to contemporary community and lifestyle issues
[Key concepts: values, generation, culture; Key processes: researching, comparing, evaluating, reflecting]
Organise and present information and ideas on different topics, issues or events, comparing perspectives and experiences
[Key concepts: perspective, engagement, action, debate; Key processes: managing information, shaping text, engaging]
Respond to a variety of imaginative texts, analysing ideas, themes, values and techniques used to engage and entertain audiences
[Key concepts: audience, engagement, themes; Key processes: responding, analysing, contextualising, explaining]
simple songs, plays or stories to entertain others, involving imagined contexts and characters
[Key concepts: mood, drama, effect, audience; Key processes: character andbuilding, creating]