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Catholic Perspectives

The questions have been aligned with the Three Worlds of the Text framework where relevant: In the Arts texts include artworks: visual; musical; dramatic; dance; written and multimedia

  • The world behind the text - How is an understanding of this text influenced by what we can learn about its creator, the time in which it was created and the context?
  • The world of the text - How is an understanding of this text influenced by what is actually in it, elements and style?
  • The world in front of the text - How might this text be used/applied in a contemporary context/s?
Prep to Year 2 As the artist As the audience
Contexts, including:
  • societal
  • cultural
  • historical
  • religious
What ideas am I expressing through my artwork? What does this artwork make you think about?
Why is has this artwork been made?
Where is this artwork from?
  • elements
  • materials
  • skills, techniques, processes
  • forms and styles
  • content
How have the materials/form/style used expressed my ideas? Why did the artist use the materials/forms/style to express their ideas?
Evaluations How well did the artwork express my ideas?
What stories have I expressed through this artwork?
What does my artwork say about me?
How well did the artwork express the ideas of the artist?
What story is being told through this artwork?
Year 3 to 6 As the artist As the audience
Contexts, including:
  • societal
  • cultural
  • historical
  • religious
What story/ideas are you communicating through this artwork? Is there a story behind the artwork?
What are the intentions behind the artwork?
What does this artwork tell us about the time/place that it was developed?
What are the customs and traditions expressed through this artwork?
What does the artwork tell the audience about the community in which it was created?
  • elements
  • materials
  • skills, techniques, processes
  • forms and styles
  • content
How have you used the elements to communicate your ideas/story?
What does this artwork tell the audience about you?
How are the elements organized to communicate meaning?
What emotions are evoked by the artwork?
How are these emotions evoked?
How have the elements been used by the artist to express their intent?
Evaluations (judgements) How effective have you been in conveying your intentions? How effectively does the artwork communicate meaning?
How can the artwork be interpreted?
  • philosophical and ideological
What beliefs and values do your artwork represent/communicate? What viewpoints does the artwork express?
What does it tell us about the artist?
Year 7 to 10 As the artist As the audience
Contexts, including:
  • societal
  • cultural
  • historical
  • religious
What does this artwork tell us about the cultural context in which it was made?
How does this artwork relate to my culture?
What social or historical forces and influences have shaped my artwork?
What ideas am I expressing about the future?
What is the cultural/historical/religious context in which it was developed, or in which it is viewed, and what does this context signify?
What influences are evident in the artwork?
How would different audiences respond to this artwork?
Knowledge What elements, processes and skills have I used to communicate my intended meaning?
What forms and styles have I used and why?
What elements and processes have been used?
Why did the artist select the elements to communicate ideas to the audience?
Evaluations (judgements) How have I organized the elements to communicate meaning to an audience? Was the use of these elements effective?
  • philosophical and ideological
  • theoretical
  • institutional
  • psychological
  • scientific
What beliefs and values have I communicated through this artwork and what does this say about who I am? What philosophical, ideological, political or religious perspectives does the artwork represent?
How do these perspectives affect the audience’s interpretation?
How might different lived experiences influence the way the artwork is understood?
What beliefs and values underpin this artwork? How does this artwork reflect, confirm or challenge my own beliefs and values?
How might Catholic Church teachings influence the way the artwork is interpreted?