CATHOLIC ANTHROPOLOGY: A foundational question for learning in STEM relates to beliefs about the human person as co-creator with God of a hope filled vision of life. A Catholic view of Christian Anthropology is centred on the person of Jesus and is reflected in a STEM curriculum that is characterised by creative responses to complex problems; collaborative and relational approaches to learning and positive action for, and in, the broader community. Pope Francis: Anthropology is the horizon of self-understanding in which we all move, and it determines our own concept of the world and our existential and ethical choices. In our times, it has often become a fluid, changing landscape as a result of socio-economic changes, population shifts, and intercultural exchange, but also due to the spread of a global culture and, above all, the incredible discoveries of science and technology. Audience with participants in the Plenary of the Pontifical Council for Culture, 18.11.2017