Integral ecology: Ecology is the study of the relationships between living things and the environment in which they live and grow. Ecology considers the conditions required for life and acknowledges that everything is interconnected, one organism affecting the next. The environment refers to the relationship between nature and the community of creatures that lives in it. Humans are in nature and nature is in humans. An integral ecology, as Pope Francis describes, seeks comprehensive solutions from a humanism capable of bringing together different fields of knowledge, that considers the interactions with nature and social systems; an integral approach to combating poverty, restoring dignity to the excluded and at the same time protecting nature. (139) Laudato Si

Creation of an ordered world: Though God is free, the world that God has created appears to be governed by rules or laws. The world as we know it is a place of patterns; a place of predictable events that suggest a certain orderliness. There is a certain level of predictability about daily events, like the fact that we need air, food and shelter; that the Sun will rise and set; that spring will come; that a rainbow is the result of the refraction of light through water droplets, and so on. The Creator of such an ordered world, where what goes up must come down, must be rational. Human beings, who are in the image of that Creator, are also rational. Because human beings are rational, they have the capacity to detect, understand, and apply the patterns of the natural world, and in so doing, are able to freely participate in the mind of God, and in the creative work of God.