Stewardship of God's Creation: A Catholic world view emphasizes the importance of the family, place and the environment. This is explored as students develop their understanding of their personal world and their identity. Students consider the concept of stewardship of God's creation as they explore their physical world and how to be caretakers of creation. The concept of belonging is central to Catholic teaching in that it affirms the goodness of each person and their need to belong.
Genuine Belonging: Human beings have a strong need for love and genuine belonging (United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, 1991 p. 94). All of God's creation is good; human beings are good. Human beings' well-being is closely associated with identity and a sense of belonging to a place, country, people and groups. Human beings are relational because God is love. God is relational and inclusive. Strong loving relationships with God and others support human flourishing. When individuals and groups have an authentic sense of belonging they thrive, as opposed to the substantial diminishment of an individual's or group's well-being when they are excluded, marginalised and devalued. People can feel lost in a community in which they feel they do not belong. In the Catholic Christian tradition, community and care for all within that community are paramount for people to feel they belong and have a very important part to play in the community. Scripture John 10: 11