Human beings are capable of doing the right thing because God is just. God's rational nature is important for another reason: it means that God is not unfaithful to God's promises. If God were unreliable and capricious human beings could never know what was true and what was not, what was good and what was bad, what was right and what was wrong. Because God is rational God has created a rationally ordered universe. God has gifted human beings with the capacity to reason and to gain insight into the rational order. Christians are therefore able to believe that there is a truth in any given situation and that truth is accessible, at least in part, to human beings through the use of their reason. God can be trusted to honour the promises made to human beings. Human beings, as images of God are called to be just, ensuring that God's deepest desires for humankind and the world are realized.
Based on the witness of Jesus and in the words of Ronald Rolheiser (1999, pp. 53-69), there are four elements that are essential for a healthy Christian spiritual life. All four elements must be present in our lives for Christian spirituality to be healthy. These elements are: personal prayer and living a good moral life; creating and doing justice for the poor; doing justice that is motivated by authentic compassion and not anger, guilt or self-service; concrete involvement in a real community of faith.
We love with our bodies. 'We are called to love as God loves, in and through our bodies' (West, 2009 p. 26). As we endeavour to love, God, who is goodness, love, and life, is made incarnate and visible in the world (United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, 1991). Most of our encounters with other people are usually in a face to face bodily way. Compare, for example, the experience of walking into a room in which someone is sitting and the experience of walking into an empty room. Now think about walking into a room where there is a computer online with someone at the other end in a chat room. The first impression in the first instance will be far more intense because the physical presence of a body makes us immediately aware that there is a person in the room and draws our attention to him or her. In a world in which so much of our communication is done through technology, often as voiceless words on a screen. It is easy to forget how significant the body is in our communication, until we are indeed confronted by the presence of another, and he or she is confronted with our presence. To be present in the world is to be present in a bodily way. It is in and through our bodies that we relate to the world, sense the world and respond to the world. It is in and through our bodies that we, as images of God, of love, of relationality, of rationality and of justice, make God present in the world. This is all the more potent when it involves touch. Think about the difference between being hit and striking another, and being kissed and caressing another. Physical contact communicates immense meaning. As the saying goes: 'Actions speak louder than words'. So how we act, how we pay attention to our bodies and the bodies of others and how we respond to our bodies and the bodies of others, is vital in influencing how we make present our deepest convictions about the meaning and value of life, love and justice. In no way, then, can we consider the erotic dimension of love simply as a permissible evil or a burden to be tolerated for the good of the family. Rather, it must be seen as gift from God that enriches the relationship of the spouses. As a passion sublimated by a love respectful of the dignity of the other, it becomes a 'pure, unadulterated affirmation' revealing the marvels of which the human heart is capable. In this way, even momentarily, we can feel that 'life has turned out good and happy' (Pope Francis, 2016 Amoris Laetitia).